Who better to tell you about Safe Place than our customers?!
Hear about how families are living without limits first hand from the testimonials below.
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email us at limitless@safebeddingplace.com
Written by George J
Our family discovered the Safe Place Bed in October of 2018 and it has changed our lives! We have a precious 13 year old daughter who is autistic and non verbal. She started a behavior in September of 2018 where she will hold her breath for long periods of time causing her to pass out or become extremely dizzy. This meant we could not leave her unattended EVER. We were at a loss. The days were long and hard. When we discovered the Safe Place Bed I wanted to run from Michigan to Ohio to personally thank the person who invented this masterpiece. We went from having to sleep with her every night to her sleeping happily on her own for 10 hours a night! This was unheard of! We had struggled to get her to sleep for 6 hours per night for the last 13 years! Thank you Safe Place Bedding! In February 2019 we were able to take our daughter and her 4 brothers to Florida and we are just now finishing up a 40 day road trip that covered 10 states in our RV. Thanks to the Safe Place Bed our daughter slept contentedly each night of our trip and so did we! We were even able to sit around the campfire knowing she was happy and safe in her bed. She loves her Safe Place Bed!
Written by Noah's Miracle
This is Noah in his Safe Place Bedding. It's this amazing blow up special needs bed, that we take with us when we leave home. I'm entering a contest to win one (not because I want a different color - although they do have some new cool colors) but because it's an opportunity for me to give back to the special needs community and I'd love to be able to include it in my Christmas giveaways this year for my passion social media project (A Very Special Needs Christmas). So here's crossing our fingers that I'll get a chance to win one so I can include it in giveaways to help a family in need. https://sleepsafebed.com/
Written by Mindy WWe bought this bed as we prepared for our cross country military move. It went through no less than 15 states. So easy up and down and best of all my guy sleeps sooo well in it. This him not wanting to get up in the morning lol. When we lost AC over this past summer during a heat wave we were safely able to move his bed into our living room were there was a portable AC. There wasnt staying up all night to make sure he wasnt escaping or playing with the electrical. This has definitely been our favorite investment! Over and over again it has proven reliable and the customer service has been amazing!
Written by Becky H
This is our angel, Hadley, on vacation recently in her Safe Place bed. We adore it! We wouldn’t be able to have a safe, relaxing vacation without it. We haven’t found a place that we were not able to use it. It is so versatile. I recommend it to everyone that would benefit from this product.
Written by Cheryl CThis July 2019 Disney trip was only possible because of Safe Place Bedding! My son loves his “tent” and his older brother enjoys “camping” with him during the day with a good book and some stuffed animal friends. He has a cozy escape that allowed all of us a vacation escape. We will forever sing the praises of SPB!!
Written by Joss CWe have gone from our Angel hanging off the edge of his bed like a koala bear to sleeping safely in his Safe Place bed when we on holiday! We’ve travelled overseas with his bed and have had peace of mind knowing he is safe and getting a good nights rest! Our next holiday is booked and we’ll be cruising through Asia with our little Angel because we can thanks to his Safe Place bed!!! We’d LOVE a new bed in that awesome new colour! Big thanks from our family to yours ️
Written by Rachel HJust wanted to share this awesome product with my special needs families. This bed from Safe Place Bedding can be used on any regular bed or on the floor. It has made it possible for us to go on vacation and still have a safe place for Nicholas to sleep. It inflates or deflates in just a few minutes. Great for using every day at home or when away from home.
What better way for our two year old angel, Dane, to get used to his brand new Safe Place Bed than a sleepover at his Nana & Papa's house! Big brother, Hayden, showed him how it would work, and he had a great first night. Looking forward to more adventures! Thanks so much!
The Puma Family, OH
Places we have traveled with our Safe Place Bed... Gio and Becca from FL
Disney- 4 times, ️Ohio- 6 times , New Jersey- 2 times, Pigeon Forge, TN, Atlanta, GA, Visiting family out of state- 3 times , Stayed in a Train Car, Cabin- 3 times, ️My backyard camping more than I can count!
Even with all of Disney's accommodations I wouldn't have been able to do it without the Gio's safe place bed. I was exhausted after spending over 12 hours at Disney lifting Gio into all of the rides (completely worth it). However, I was able to enjoy the bus trip back to the hotel because I knew that once I got there I could easily set up the Safe Place Bed, get Gio ready and in it, say prayers, and have a wonderful night sleep which is something I wasn't able to do before we had the bed. I have so much more I want to say, but I'm exhausted from yet another wonderful day in Orlando and sometimes words aren't even adequate, but thank you so much for making this bed.
The Safe Place Bed was bought for my 7 year old autistic son. He recently continuously ran a faucet on the second floor of our home at 4am and caused a large amount of water damage. As a physician I was initially concerned about safety and his perception of being kept in a place he could not get out of. Lamar has loved the product and the netting is very sensory friendly as he loves to lay his face on it. the portions which inflate are very durable. The straps which connect the product to the bed allows him to lay his 70 lbs against the side of it and it does not roll over. It easily travels and can be set up within a few minutes. I am very happy with the safe place bedding and would recommend it to anyone who is concerned about their wandering special needs child during the night.
Dr. Zerkle, Emergency Room Physician

I wanted to take the opportunity to reach out to you and let you know how wonderful of a product this has been for our daughter, Ellery, and our family. Prior to our purchase of the safe place bedding, we had struggled with all sorts of options and basically restricted us from most travel opportunities, which is hard because our families live several hours away and visiting them was difficult. Now, we can travel anywhere and everywhere with the safe place bedding and put it on any bad mattress that is available to us. My wife and I sleep better at night knowing that Ellery is safe and is not falling out of the bed. We love the portability of the product, the ease of assembly and disassembling, and the durability. We tell everyone we know that has similar issues with sleeping about the product. My wife is a nurse at the Children's Hospital for post-operative surgery and has told many parents about the product, along with informing the discharge department about the safe place bedding and they are now recommending this product to any parent that inquires about safe sleeping situations. We have also told our daughter's Rehabilitation Clinic and they too are also referring clients to this product. It truly has been a life changer for us. Thank you so much. Nick L.

He now has a safe place he can sleep in besides being home bound. I feel this huge sense of relief, as when you have a child like Noah that requires a specialized hospital bed or safety bed of some kind to sleep in, and you worry should you ever have to leave home for any reason, a vacation, an overnight stay at friends or family, or to retreat to a hotel during an emergency situation that you have a bed you can take with you.
It is something every special needs parent needs who has a child that requires specialized bedding and will inevitably use at some point in time.
Click here to read Noah's full experience!

What a great product! As a physician and father of two eight year-old sons with autism, travel has been a huge challenge for us. The safe place bed has proved an excellent solution. My kids are safe while sleeping at night or napping during the day without constant supervision. This bed has made our travels much more relaxing and enjoyable. In addition, my kids love it! They feel enclosed and safe. The construction is very durable. The only problem is I think I am going to have to get another one to keep my kids from fighting over it!
Dr. Baker M.D., OH

Just got ours! The construction of the bed and the pump are amazing. The carrying duffel is even really well planned. We take our first family trip in 23 years next week! We are so excited that a company brought a safe and COST EFFECTIVE approach! The first time a company didn't gauge us just because they had a great and needed product. The construction of the bed and the pump are amazing. The carrying duffel is even really well planned. Our son has Angelman Syndrome and is 23 years old. We raised the money in one day with GoFundMe.
You should have seen my husband's face as he aired it up. He is Garrett's full time caretaker so he was looking for weaknesses. He found none. Can't wait to report on the first trip!
First trip report: It went amazing!! Garrett really liked it, he climbed in himself, and I was nervous to zip it up. But he just giggled!! He slept better than at home!! We are going on another trip further and longer next month!!
Kim H., TX