6 Reasons Why a Safety Bed Can Help Boost the Quality of Sleep in Special Needs Patients

Over 41 million people in the U.S., 5 years or older, are dealing with some kind of disability. About 6.2% of those affected are children between the ages of 5 to 15. The problem is, almost a fifth of the American population is coping with a sensory, physical, or intellectual disability. This makes impaired sleep a serious issue to deal with.

That's where sleeping in an enclosed area can come in handy. With the proper safety bed, you can create a secure, comfortable, and safe environment where you or your child can get a good night's sleep.

But, there is more to an enclosed area than it meets the eye. Thats why we decided to share all the benefits of using a comfortable sleeping section for a special needs child or an adult. So, lets get right to it.

6 Benefits of Using an Enclosed Sleeping Area

Going to bed at night shouldnt pose any threats. Children and parents need to sleep properly and get the rest they deserve. But, having a disability, such as Angelman, Autism, or developmental delay, can make the night-time routine a real struggle.

According to research, developmental disorders often affect the quality of sleep. They have a profound impact on cognition, daytime behavior, mood, physiology, and overall performance. Depending on the type of health issue patients are experiencing, they will constantly have to overcome a range of obstacles at night.

Some are prone to climbing out, falling, or getting their head stuck between the railings. Regardless of the type of health issue the patient is having; an enclosed sleeping area is here to meet their needs. Here is what makes it so beneficial with special needs children.


Safety should be a top priority. Using simple bed rails with a special needs child can be dangerous and ineffective. Studies show that 1 in 4 of all falls in healthcare facilities are falls from bed. When coping with a disability, falls can be a real problem.

Take microcephaly a rare health condition, for example. Since the childs brain has stopped developing after birth or during pregnancy, their head becomes smaller. Patients also have a low muscle tone in their trunk. Therefore, they are prone to falling during sleep.

Typical bed rails and electric beds are a potential risk for a special needs patient. Part of their body can get trapped inside the gaps, like between the bed rail and cover or bed end and mattress.

This could pose a serious risk of injury, falls, or suffocation. With an enclosed sleeping area, particularly a safety bed, you are getting a cocoon-like effect. The surface is tightly sealed, without any gaps or risks for entrapment. You get gap-less edges, which means you dont need to worry about your childs safety while they sleep.

The enclosed sleeping area is designed to address all the unique issues. It protects the child from falls, not just when they are asleep, but when they are awake as well. The base can be strapped into place, the frame has zero gaps, and the buckles can be tightened to add an additional layer of security. Thats why it makes for an excellent sleeping choice.


Special needs patients are prone to daytime drowsiness, poor performance, behavior changes, and trouble concentrating. When you pair that with sleeping problems, it can become a serious issue in the long-run. Certain disabilities are causing regular sleep disturbances.

It could be night terrors, sleepwalking, falling, snoring, etc. About 25% of children in preschool, 33% of adolescents, and 43% prepubescent are dealing with some kind of sleep difficulty. But the rates of sleep disturbances in special needs children go even higher.

For instance, 25% to 50% of children with ADHD have trouble sleeping. While 34% to 86% with intellectual disabilities cant get a good nights rest, research shows.

Remember, sleep is important for everyone. But, for a special needs child, it becomes a valuable component of their psychological and physical development. When the quality of sleep is declining, so is their ability to manage their health complications.

To manage these sleep irregularities and control the abnormalities, you need a special sleeping environment. The enclosed area from a safety bed is meant for exactly that.

With safety beds, the sleeping surface gets smaller, which helps children focus on their sleeping routine. Instead of looking around the room or letting their minds wander, the enclosed area will maintain their focus and help children get shut-eye.

This can help boost their quality of sleep. With it comes a range of different benefits. Because the child will be sleeping better, they will also boost their natural healing system, heart health, and blood vessels. The longer they use the product, the easier it becomes to fall asleep in it. Sometimes, children quickly get accustomed to it because of how comfortable the whole surface area is.


Most special needs patients rely on a makeshift bed. Many use a guard rail to create a comfortable sleeping environment. But, these beds dont have the capability to stop a special needs child from climbing out of bed.

Those who struggle with regular nocturnal panic attacks need to feel safe. Studies show that 20% to 45% of people with panic disorders have repeated panic attacks at night. They experience increased palpitations, shaking, numbness, sweating, or shortness of breath. In cases such as these, they may try to get out of bed in the middle of the night.

Wandering can be another serious issue, especially if a small special needs child moves up and down the house unattended. The safety bed is specifically made for problems like these. It can put a childs mind at ease.

Getting tucked in their blankets and sheets under an enclosed space can give them that reassurance. This can be useful for keeping the thoughts at bay and allowing the user to enjoy nap time. Although it can't manage the panic attacks, it can help them sleep better and get the much-needed rest.


Regular or hospital beds may not be the best choice for a special needs patient. Take the hospital beds, for example. They have a clinicalfeel to them, which ends up creating a cold and unwelcoming atmosphere.

The regular bed is too wide and open that paves the way for constant stimuli to interrupt their sleep. Placing a mattress on the floor is not a good idea either. It is much easier for the child to get up and wander at night. Plus, they may inhale dust or dirt from the flooring.

The safety bed is different. It creates a small yet safe environment. Once a child or an adult gets accustomed to it, it will become their go-to sleeping spot. The design will eventually feel familiar, while the colors will make them feel welcomed. Plus, our unique designs are meant to put a smile on anyone's face. They are fun, colorful, and vibrant.

So, not only are you creating a safe sleeping environment, but you also invest in comfort. Thats what makes the safety bed a convenient sleeping space.


Our safety beds have a perfect size. The child can play in it and entertain themselves as they are trying to fall asleep. With an enclosed area, the child is in complete control of their movements, allowing them to adjust their body position and motion. This could help boost their sleeping patterns.

The reason for that is relatively simple. When you use too small or tight enclosed sleeping spaces, your child may develop an aversion to that area. For example, if the makeshift enclosed space you designed doesn't allow the child to stretch their hands and adjust their position, it will be difficult for the child to enjoy sleeping in it.

But, the safety beds are different. They have just the right amount of space that doesnt compromise the safety of the person thats sleeping in it. Besides, when a child enjoys their sleeping area, you too will have peace of mind.

See-Through Design

Not all safety beds have an aesthetically pleasing design. Some can feel claustrophobic or uncomfortable for a child. Of course, every child has a different taste, but when it comes to selecting a safe bed, you need an option that will create a pleasing sleeping environment.

With our safety bed, you get see-through edges. They are perfectly designed to calm the stimuli, but they also dont feel like a confined space. The see-through sides allow the child to enjoy the surroundings before going to sleep, which wont make them feel anxious or alarmed. This is a key strategy when trying to get a special needs child to sleep.

Final Thoughts

Sleeping in an enclosed area has a lot to offer. It creates a safe, reassuring, comfortable, and entertaining sleeping environment. Even though it cant manage the various health complications, it can give users a sense of peace. The product is designed to boost their sleep quality, which, in turn, could make their health issue a lot easier to deal with. Thats why having a safety bed for a special needs child can come in handy. You are getting a lot with such a small space.










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