Get out of Dodge!!

Over the past month we have felt our little travel nerves twitching, and decided it was a good time to "get out of dodge" (that's what we say in Ohio when we want to get away from the familiar)! So we packed up our bags (and Safe Place bed!) and took off to the Smokey Mountains in Tennessee this week! 

Jon and I had not been there since we were kids, so it was like a total new experience for us! Most of the time we love to travel to a beach, but with only about four days to get away (including travel) we decided this would be a great choice. And I'm glad we did! 

We arrived in Sevierville, TN around 8pm Sunday night. It was dark and we were all hungry and tired. We grabbed a quick supper and checked into our condo. First thing we did was set up Sky's Safe Place bed! 

Before Safe Place this would have been a dreaded time in our trip... Where will Sky sleep? And even worse... WILL he sleep?! But not this time... Safe Place (our very first prototype) was up in less than 5 minutes and not long after Sky was snoozing away long before our heads touched any pillows. 

I took this picture while on the trip. We made some modifications to this bed and they are reflected in our final product. It reminded me of where this journey all started. In a hotel room, frustrated by the lack of sleep and yet knowing there had to be a better way... That's when God dropped the answer in Jon's mind. Such a powerful moment, and a scary/wonderful adventure ever since! 

It was dark when we arrived, so we were all eager to see our view of the mountains in the morning. We were not disappointed... 

​First we visited the indoor water park located in our resort. The kids especially enjoyed it...
After lunch we decided to do some exploring. We took a drive... up a mountain that is and ended overlooking the Cumberland Gap. As we started up the mountain it became so foggy. I took this picture. You couldn't see anything! 
After lunch we decided to do some exploring. We took a drive... up a mountain that is and ended overlooking the Cumberland Gap. As we started up the mountain it became so foggy. I took this picture. You couldn't see anything! 
I tried to capture the enormity of the surroundings in these photos. We almost turned around at this spot because the fog was so dense. But decided to push on, and nearly seconds after we left this place the fog disappeared. It reminds me of chasing our dreams. At times we don't see where we are or where we are going, but if we only hang on a little longer the fog lifts and we realize we were only a few steps away from a breakthrough. 

After a few more miles up the mountain we discovered this...
This was my favorite part of our trip. God's creation is overwhelming. We had so much fun on that mountain top! 

After another rest-FULL night, we decided to experience one of the attractions Tennessee has to offer. After taking a vote, Wonderworks was the winner!
You are not imagining it... That building is upside-down!! According to legend, this laboratory was located in the Bermuda Triangle. After an experiment went awry it flew up in the sky and landed upside-down in Pigeon Forge, TN! Now everyone who visits here can partake in the wonder of this place. 

We were not disappointed, Wonderworks was awesome! An amusement park for the mind to sum this place up. 
After a second visit to the water park, and yet another rest-FULL night we headed home.

Although our trip was short, it was jacked full of excitement! We were even blessed to see six rainbows on our drive home! I thank God for His promises and the beautiful life He has given our little family.

Thank you for taking part in this adventure with us!

Until next time...Live Without Limits. 

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